Online.KungFuRetreat.Com Terms & Conditions
- Your membership can be cancelled at any time and from that time we will take no further membership payments. Membership payments made before cancellation will not be refunded.
Your membership can be terminated for serious misconduct. This is highly unlikely and we will do what we reasonably can to fix things without resorting to termination. We wil not collect any payment after termination of your membership but payments made beforehand will not be refunded. Our behavior code and other information regarding expected conduct can be found here. (Link to ethos page).
By joining you waive any claim against us for injury or similar which might be sustained whilst you are practising our arts or anything else.
All material on this site is copyright of Nam Yang (Thailand) Ltd.
Nam Yang Global Family and Kung Fu Retreat are trading names of Nam Yang (Thailand) Ltd
We do our best to solve any disputes amicably, ethically and compassionately and have never yet had to resort to court action. Nam Yang (Thailand) Ltd is a Thai limited company based in Thailand. Any disputes arising will, without exception, be dealt with exclusively through the Thai legal system, under Thai law in Thailand.
- By using this website, you agree to the terms of the privacy policy
- By joining you waive any claim against us for injury or similar which might be sustained whilst you are practising our arts or anything else.
- Whilst we do not at all encourage you to use violence our arts were developed in times when it was often necessary to do so. Our lessons include techniques capable of causing serious injury and / or death. We caution you to use maximum responsibility in all situations and not to hurt people. In the event that you do hurt someone using the knowledge that you have gained from us you must take full responsibility yourself and not hold us in any way responsible.
- All material on this site is copyright of Nam Yang (Thailand) Ltd.
Members Passes Terms & Condition
Our normal Terms & Conditions (written here: also apply to our Members’ Passes Terms and Conditions. The Members’ Passes Terms and Conditions also include:
- The duration of the membership card is counted according to the number of nights spent at the Retreat. E.g. a 1 week membership card entitles you to 7 nights at the Retreat.
- Membership is valid indefinitely – no expiry date.
- Membership can be retained as long as you wish but is not refundable.
- Payment in full secures the promotional rice.
- Check in time 2.00pm. Check out time 11.00am. If you are booked into a room and/or your belongings are in the room then a night is counted towards your credit – even if you sleep elsewhere.
- Unlimited rescheduling of dates free of charge with 7 days notice.
- Rescheduling at 4-6 days notice: each night charged at half price.
- Rescheduling with 3 days notice or less; each night charged fully.
- Membership cards are valid only for the person named on the card, they are not transferable.
- Members are required to follow the group rules. Mistakes can be forgiven. Ongoing refusal to floor the rules, even after warnings, will ultimately result in termination of membership with no refund.