Our ‘Nam Yang Global Family’ Zoom meeting went well last week. The conclusion seemed to be that some ‘live’ classes delivered via zoom would be appreciated. Dieter later made the suggestion that you could invite friends to participate. This seems like a good compromise between restricting the lesson to online members and opening it up to the general public so let’s give it a go. If you know anyone who is interested feel free to send them the login details.
The theme will be ‘grounding, sinking chi and achieving clarity’, all of which are interrelated. I will start by going over theory then we will do a little practical together.

Meeting Codes:
Meeting ID: 812 791 1071
Passcode: 66vQN9
If you’re in the United States and was intending to join, please mail us and let us know. I will arrange the next meeting at a time which better suits those in the US and Canada. 🙂